Saturday 12 April 2014

10 Things You Don't Know About Me

1. When I was younger, I really wanted to be a writer, and I used to write stories about a magic dog for my cousin...

2. I'm old enough to drive, but haven't started learning yet, because I don't trust myself (if you can't drive a go-kart, you can't drive a car!)...

3. I really like detective/murder-mystery films and TV series'...

4. People tend to argue over whether my hair's brown or black...

5. I have an annoying habit of joining in with other people's conversations...

6. My middle name's a translated version of Mary...

7. When I was little, I secretly dreamt of marrying Peter Parker and going to live in a house with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...

8. As the quintessentially British person I am, I like tea. I don't know why. There's nothing really fun about tea; nothing really special. But yet, I like it...

9. I once watched 'Pirates of the Caribbean' in French in a hotel room in the middle of nowhere...

10. I named my clarinet 'Morris D. Minor'...


  1. LOL, I laughed at the seventh one. Then again, who am I to judge? I had the HUGEST crush on the Disney cartoon Robin Hood. xD
    I join into other people's conversations too. :P Bad habit, currently trying to stop. But the conversations are usually so interesting! And if I don't join, then I'm eavesdropping. I'm not sure which is worse...

  2. Aww, I really liked Robin Hood, too! This doesn't bode well for me; I was basically considering cartoon-polygamy when I was about eight!!! :D
    And all the best conversations are the ones that I'm not involved in. If I had a pound for all the times I've apologised to someone in my school year for joining in conversations to do with Game of Thrones or Doctor Who I'd be rich by now! But, on the plus side, I have gained the respect of a few unsuspecting classmates - 'Oh wow, that quote's from 'Midnight' which is my favourite ever DW episode' - gained me a friend!!! :D

    1. Haha, I think cartoon - polygamy is probably okay. ;) At least I hope it is, because I thought Aladdin was pretty fine too.
      Same here! Not with Game of Thrones but definitely with Doctor Who.
      Oh cool! Midnight's a really interesting episode. I think my favourite would probably have to be The Shakespeare Code or Blink. :)
